Friday, July 11, 2014

OSnap! - time lapse for iPhone/iPad

Some time ago I wanted to try time lapses, you know when you take pictures in intervals and then put them together into a film. I have a D200 which is capable of interval shooting, and there are a few well executed time lapses on Youtube that are shot with a D200. I never got a around to making a time lapse with it though. Interval shooting really drains the battery fast, and I don't feel like buying a power adapter just to try lapse shooting. Also, there´s nowhere to plug a power adapter out in the middle of nowhere if I don't bring a generator set. Well, my iPhone 4s consumes much less battery power while shooting, it fits nicely in my pocket, and there is a bunch of apps for it. There are several time lapse app comparisons out there, and after much reading and googling I finally decided to buy OSnap! and try it out.

Time lapse is quite fun! I set my iPhone 4s on a silly little tripod, guesstimated the interval, and forgot about it while me and my brother tried to fix a SIM-card he accidentally cut to the wrong size. I imported the video to Pinnacle Studio on my iPad mini, added some text and sound and made this:

No Oscar winner, but it was just for fun and testing purposes anyway…

In OSnap! you set interval, resolution, number of total photos (which you can leave unrestricted) and orientation. When you´re done shooting you can select export video framerate, quality, audio and more. You can have several projects going on separately, but of course only shoot in one at a time. There´s also an overlay guide to help you take for example a photo each day of your growing beard. All in all I´m happy with OSnap! You might not use it every day, but is sure is a fun app to have on hand. With some imagination, creativity and planning you can make really good time lapses using it!

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